We love working on innovative projects that push the boundaries of design, technology, and expectations. We are particularly involved in entertainment and game based projects.

"Hologram just beat tech giants like Google and HTC to the punch."
"Hologram is arguably playing in a league of its own."
"Hologram's potential for greatness lies in the fact that it's totally circumnavigated giants like Facebook and Google."
HoloSprint is a gesture controlled racing game. This means you do not need your keyboard or controller to drive your car. Just stretch your hands out in front of you and start steering.
You just need your webcam to track your steering actions.
This is the first game of it's kind that didn't need dedicated gesture recognition hardware.
This game is a tech demo for the gesture recognition gaming technology developed at Hologram, and was released in 2019.
Goalscoring Superstar Hero is a football eSports game, in which players compete to be the best professional player and earn actual cash.
Hero is highly customisable, allowing players to create their striker, goalkeeper, and pick their kit colours. The game is then played out on mobile in a traditional swipe and kick mechanism or in AR on a table.
Last Mage Standing is a two player wizard battle in which players use gestures to cast spells to beat their opponents.
The game works in a browser and uses the webcam to track your body poses, it is also possible to play using a keyboard.
This is the first game of it's kind that didn't need dedicated gesture recognition hardware, and works inside a browser.
Bubbled Duel is a casual mobile eSports game built in collaboration with Vavel.
The game is a highly polished and balanced competitive bubble popping experience where players can play in real time or in turns to beat each others score.
The business model behind the game is a casual mobile eSports model, that rewards the winning player with cash, creating an opportunity to earn while playing mobile games.
Phobox is a VR based phobia treatment programme developed with experts in the field. Patients learn to confront their fears in a VR environment controlled by their doctor.
10 sessions of treatment with Phobox have resulted in patients overcoming their fear of flying.
Released in 2018 Phobox was one of the first public implementations of the new wave of VR that proved its use, and that it was more than a gimmick.
Hologram have been producing and live streaming 360 VR videos for a decade.
When we were first asked to create 360 VR footage and live stream it to tens of thousands of viewers back in 2012, the technology just didn't exist, we had to innovate much of it from scratch.
Today 360 video creation and streaming is a common immersive medium that we still utilise to very entertaining effect today.
In under a month we developed a VR supported gesture and motion sensor based interactive hockey game for Ford.
The game was played in the dedicated fan areas in the Montreal Canadiens and Edmonton Oilers stadiums.
Fans stepped up to the active game area and were given a hockey stick to take a shot with the virtual puck at the goal on the big screen.
Fly a Banshee and Avatarize are theme park attractions developed as part of the push to promote the new wave of Avatar movies. The games were played in multiple Disney locations and players formed long queues waiting for their opportunity to play.
Fly a Banshee is a gesture controlled game that pairs the player with a Banshee creature from the movies and the creature starts to fly around in the beautiful surroundings of Pandora. Leaning side to side and flapping your arms controls the Banshee as you explore the wonders of your surroundings.
Avatarize is an experience in which users entered a booth, then the Avatarization process began similar to those in the movies, and the users face is transformed on screen into a Navi using AI to morph the users face onto a 3D mesh.
This gesture controlled baseball game puts the player into the pitcher’s spot and gives them 5 pitches to try to strike their opponent out.
Played in an active game zone in front of a giant screen, the game watches you take your stance and throw the ball, calculating the speed and trajectory of your pitch. The on screen AI batter is your opponent.
The game was installed at CES in Las Vegas to attract exhibition goers, to the stand and engage with the brand.
We are an experienced team of industry professionals that love what we do, creating incredible experiences.
We love working on innovative projects that push the boundaries of design, technology, and expectations. We are particularly involved in entertainment and game based projects.
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